
It was long but I’m really proud of the result: a Gorilla playing drum.

Gorilla - Gorille
Gorilla Digital Painting – 2009

This digital drawing is based on an old sketch I drew back in 2001 for the video game “Zoe va au zoo”.

Gorille - Gorilla
Gorilla Sketch – 2001

This character was one of the animals Zoe met in the spaceship. Have a look on the post “Zoé… and a mushroom” for more information! The drawing of each character was coloured in Photoshop or directy in Flash before the animation step. Here is the result:

Gorille - Gorilla
Gorilla Digital Painting – 2001

I tried to follow some advice provided in SOS Factory’s blog like adding some light reflection on the skin, changing the layer blending options and drawing the strokes with the pen tool. In the end, I worked 2 days on this drawing… I still need some more practice with Photoshop in order to be more efficient. But it was a good exercise for discovering, learning and training more on using Photoshop.

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